Virginia Cooperative Extension
As an extension program with the Virginia Cooperative Extension, we have access to a comprehensive collection of resources, programs, and services that are research-proven, accessible, and contain actionable information that supports the success and resilience of individuals and communities throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia and beyond.
Ut Prosim/Service
Coastal Policy
Wendy Stout, Director of the VTCC represents Virginia Tech on the Governor’s Coastal Resilience Master Plan Technical Advisory Board. This helps build policy along with statewide partners, such as the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission who are working on a regional coastal resilience plan.
Geospatial Policy
Wendy Stout, Director of the VTCC serves on the Governor’s Virginia Geographic Information Network Advisory Board which provides input to VGIN on direction and strategy.
Supporting Non-profits
Coastal Resilience interns supported the Chesapeake Bay Foundation by emptying oyster shell recycle bins and loading oysters in tanks located on the barge as they prepared for spat on shell production. (Brock Environmental Center, Virginia Beach, VA)
Field Work
Coastal Resilience Interns joined forces with VSAREC and students from Hampton City Schools Extended Enrichment Program for a day dedicated to cleaning up Buckroe Beach. (Buckroe Beach, Hampton, VA)
Empowering Women in GIS
The VTCC leads the VA chapter of Women in GIS. Women in GIS is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to provide support and resources to women in in geospatial fields.